5 easy and efficient ways to download Apps from Google Playstore

Google Playstore is the online store for Android Apps. Daily, large number of Apps come in to the Playstore whether they may be usefull or not. We users download alot of Apps but have you ever noticed that not all the Apps that we download are usefull and in addition to that some of them does'nt even work. This wastes alot of our time, internal memory and mobile data too.

So , how to stop this! Its simple just keep these  5 factors in your mind before downloading any Android App...

1. Try Apps that are "Recommended for You"
 Are you using Android phone since a long time, if you do so then there will be a App library created for you. When ever you go to Apps and Games section in Google Play then there'll be a "Recommended for You " list , this list is made by google according to your interests  from the beginning of your Playstore usage.
Take a look of this list, this might help you.

2. Similar Apps
Do not simply download the Apps, instead take a look at the similar Apps section which is present below the App you want to download.

3. Reviews and ratings
This way is the most efficient I would say because, by looking at the reviews and rating given by the users who used it (or) using it will infer you whether to download the App or not. If the reviews are bad then do not download the App.

4. Editor's Choise
Another best way of downloading Apps is by refering the "Editor's choise" section. Google Play developers and critics contineously monitor all the Apps and highlight those Apps which they find are usefull to the users. So, refer to that and download those Apps.

5. Top Charts
If you have seen google playstore then you will find something like "Top Charts", this quite help you alot in downloading best Apps.

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